05 Jan. Transversal skills in higher education curricula: Empirical evidence from Austria, Ireland and Portugal
2023 ist das „European Year of Skills“. In einem Buchbeitrag befassen sich Verena Régent und Brigitte Ecker mit der Rolle von „transversalen Kompetenzen“ in den Hochschulsystemen von Österreich, Irland und Portugal. Das „Routledge Handbook on Comparative Economic Systems“, herausgegeben von Bruno Dallago und Sara Casagrande, wurde soeben veröffentlich.
The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Economic Systems examines the institutional bases of economies, and the different ways in which economic activity can function, be organized and governed. It examines the complexity of this academic and research field, assessing the place of comparative economic studies within economics, paying due attention to future perspectives, and presenting critically important questions, analytical methods and relative approaches. This complements the recent revival of the systemic view of economic governance, which was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and likely even more the renewed East-West clash epitomized by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the West’s reaction to it.