23 Feb. Michaela Gstrein nimmt als Leiterin der Arbeitsgruppe DATA and INDICATORS am COST Action IS 1409 Management meeting (7/8. März 2019) und dem abschließenden COST Action IS 1409 policy event in Brüssel teil, und zwar: Wed, 6 March 2019, 13:00 – 16:00 CET, European Parliament.
This is the final event for COST Action IS1409 and will focus on the work of the Action and its members and deliver the policy messages and recommendations to the members of the European Parliament and other EU policy stakeholders. The policy roundtable will offer an opportunity for prominent stakeholders and experts in this area to discuss policy messages in relation to pension policies, care policies, age management and social inclusion. There will also be a showcase of country specific relevant policy recommendations following the roundtable.
This Seminar is hosted in collaboration with the Intergroup on Active Ageing, Intergenerational Solidarity and Family Issues. For more information see the link.