12 Feb. 17.2.2022: International peer-learning seminars of the Labour Market Relevance and Outcomes of Higher Education Partnership Initiative
On 17 February 2022, the series of four international peer-learning seminars will start!
Every Thursday, there will be an international dialogue in which innovative public policy options and institutional practices effective in supporting good labour market outcomes for graduates are shared – including, for example, study and career guidance, curricula updating, and transversal skills development. Each seminar is chaired by one of the countries in the LMRO Partnership Initiative – Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, and Portugal.
The seminars are open to everyone interested and each seminar will feature three separate thematic sessions through the day.
Follow the links to the seminar agendas and registration:
- 17 February – “Widening access and attracting students to fields with high labour market demand”, chaired by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research – Register here
- 24 February – “Raising study success through student support and improved career-study linkages”, chaired by the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport – Register here
- 3 March – “Stimulating innovation through inter-/trans-disciplinarity in education and research”, chaired by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation – Register here
- 10 March – “Supporting improvement in teaching and learning to address students’ needs and labour market demands”, chaired by the Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES) of Portugal – Register here