01 Feb. GET-AHED – Green Education & Transition – A Higher Education online Digital Buddy
Ongoing, on behalf of the European Commission, European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
GET-AHED is to be a digital platform developed in consultation with a number of associate partner EU ministries, HEI representative bodies and an existing European University alliance which will provide HEIs across the EU with a range of online tools to enable them to implement the EU’s Green Transition and Green Education and Training priorities. GET-AHED will act as a green transition digital buddy for the HE community across the EU. The platform will provide a range of tools to allow a multiple of HE stakeholder groups to promote and develop whole institutional approaches to sustainability which will focus on:
- Designing, implementing, and monitoring institution sustainability plans
- Supporting Higher Education leaders, in embedding sustainability into all aspects of the institution’s operations
- Supporting staff and students in promoting greater involvement in sustainability initiatives both internally and externally.
- Designing, implementing, and monitoring approaches related to sustainability operations of a HEI and in particular energy and energy related systems
The consortium members are: WPZ Research (Austria, lead partner), Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), Munster Technological University (Ireland), University of Ruse Angel Kanchev (Bulgaria) and Fachhochschule Vorarlberg (Austria).