The Team

We are connected by many years of experience in scientific project work and by a strong network in Austria and Europe.

The primary task of the WPZ Research Team is to prepare scientific studies in our subject areas. It is also a priority of the WPZ Research Team to cooperate on a project-by-project basis, i.e. to involve further national and international researchers into project work, whether in the field of economics or involving other disciplines such as social sciences, law, etc.

These reports should be prepared using methodological diversity (quantitative and qualitative). In order to achieve these goals, a team of experienced staff members (senior researchers) is required.

WPZ Research was therefore founded by a team of scientifically proven economists with experience in the field of economic policy and a managing director with business management expertise and extensive knowledge in the fields of innovation, education and evaluation. All employees have many years of experience in scientific project work (application and contract research) and are well connected in the Austrian and European community. The corresponding qualification also makes it possible to involve young scientists in project work or to supervise them in their independent work.

WPZ Research Team

Dr. Brigitte Ecker

Managing Director of WPZ Research

Brigitte Ecker, Managing Director of WPZ Research, studied business administration at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, where she received her doctorate with distinction in 2003. After several years working in the business sector, she joined Joanneum Research – Centre for Economic and Innovation Research Vienna in 2004.


In 2013 Brigitte Ecker joined the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna, where she was head of the research group “Innovation, Education and Sustainability” from 2014 on. In summer 2016 she founded WPZ Research. Brigitte Ecker is also a lecturer in innovation and technology management at Technikum Wien and FH St. Pölten. Her work focuses on RTI policy, higher education research and evaluation.


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Laura Dusl, LL.B.

(currently on educational leave)

Research Assistant

Laura Dusl completed her Bachelor in Business Law at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration in April 2020. Afterwards, she started her Master in Business Law and joined WPZ Research as a research assistant.

Susanne Fröhlich


Susanne Fröhlich worked for more than 25 years for a non-university research institute in the field of economics and social sciences in project management, quality control and layout and as back office manager for an international sports association. She has been supporting the WPZ Research team with her expertise since November 2019.

Michaela Gstrein

Dr. Michaela Gstrein

Research Associate

Michaela Gstrein studied commercial sciences, completed a post-graduate degree in economics at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) and a doctorate in economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. From 2002 on she was Senior Researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna, and from September 2016 on Michaela Gstrein has been working at WPZ Research. Since 2021 she is also MA Gender Studies.


She also evaluates research projects for the European Community. Her research interests include innovation in business and research, gender analysis, quality of (working) life, work-life balance. (female) employment, social security, integration and cohesion, families/family benefits, demography/growth/employment, situation of youth, migration, and policy evaluation.


Mara Kritzinger, MSc

(currently on a research stay at the University of St. Gallen)

Research Associate

Mara Kritzinger completed her Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Social Sciences with a focus on Economics and her Master’s degree in Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration with distinction. From June 2019 to February 2021, Mara Kritzinger worked as a research assistant at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.


Since July 2020, Mara Kritzinger has joined the WPZ team and is completing her doctoral studies in economics and social sciences with a focus on economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. During the winter term 2022/23 she spent a research stay at the University of St. Gallen. Her research focus is on Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) modeling.


Dipl. Ing. Bruno Lindorfer


Bruno Lindorfer was global CTO of VOEST ALPINE Industrieanlagenbau (from 2006 SIEMENS VAI) from 1990 to 2008 and was responsible for RTI agendas in the USA, China and Korea. From 2008 to 2017, he was Managing Director of the Upper Austrian Innovation Agency.


He was a member of many bodies in Austria and Brussels, including the Advisory Board of the FFG Basic Programmes and Vice President of the CDG. Since July 2021, Bruno Lindorfer has been supporting WPZ Research as a consultant.


Jan-Luca Möhler

Research Assistant

Jan-Luca Möhler is currently studying for a double Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Communication Sciences at the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster. He has been supporting the WPZ Research team since October 2022 as a study assistant in the evaluation of study-related data and the implementation of desk research.


Prior to his work, he completed an online certificate course at the London School of Economics and Political Science on the topic of public policy analysis as well as internships in the field of political communication and project research.


Stephanie Pais-Raposo

Research Assistant

Stephanie Pais-Raposo is currently studying international relations at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in the same subject at the University of St. Gallen. With her interdisciplinary and multicultural background, she supports the WPZ Research Team in many research projects.

Dr. Andreas Pfaffel

Research Associate

Andreas Pfaffel studied psychology at the University of Vienna, where he completed his doctoral studies in social and economic sciences with excellent results in 2016. From 2011, he worked as an educational psychologist and evaluator at the Institute of Applied Psychology: Work, Education, Economics at the University of Vienna in several research and evaluation projects.


As a lecturer he has been teaching evaluation research, qualitative and quantitative research methodology as well as presentation and moderation techniques at the University of Vienna since 2011 and at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt since March 2020. Research Methodology as well as Presentation and Moderation Technique. Since September 2020 he is working at WPZ-Research in the field of education/university research and evaluation.


Anna-Lena Plate

Research Assistant

Anna-Lena Plate is currently completing her Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Social Sciences with a focus on Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. Since August 2022, Anna-Lena Plate has been working as a research assistant at WPZ Research, where she supports the team with document research and data analysis.


Previously, Anna-Lena Plate worked as a student assistant on various projects at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.


Prof.(FH) Dr. Verena Régent

Research Associate

Verena Régent studied sociology and social economy at the Johannes Kepler University Linz and the University of Helsinki. From 2011, she worked in research and consulting companies for the acquisition and management of third-party funded research projects at the interface between social sciences and new technologies.


From 2016 she was Senior Lecturer at Lauder Business School, since 2020 she is external expert at the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission. In February 2021, she will start as a research associate at WPZ Research GmbH. Her work focuses on areas such as higher education research, innovation, and knowledge and technology transfer.


Prof.(FH) Dr. Christian Reiner

Research Associate

Christian Reiner studied economic geography and economic history at the University of Vienna and the University of Salzburg. He was a senior researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies from September 2013 and previously worked at the Center for Economic and Innovation Research at Joanneum Research in Vienna.


Christian Reiner joined Lauder Business School in September 2016 and is also a member of the WPZ Research Team. His work focuses on areas such as structural change, innovation dynamics, industrial and innovation policy, and policy evaluation; methodologically, his main focus is on micro-econometric methods. He teaches economics and statistics at universities and universities of applied sciences.


Prof.(FH) Priv.-Doz. Dr. Sascha Sardadvar

Research Associate

Sascha Sardadvar studied economics at the University of Vienna, Freie Universität Berlin and the Vienna University of Economics and Business. In July 2015, he obtained an authorisation to teach for Economic Geography and Regional Science at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.


From 2005 to 2015 he worked at the Institute of Economic Geography and Geoinformatics of the Vienna University of Economics and Business, in the winter semester 2014/15 he spent a research sabbatical at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow. His research focuses on regional economic growth, interregional migration, market behaviour and innovation economics. Sascha Sardadvar also works as a part-time lecturer at the University of Vienna, Ferdinand Porsche Fernfachhochschule, IMC FH Krems and the Modul University Vienna.

Dr. Ulrich Schuh

Dr. Ulrich Schuh

Research Fellow

Ulrich Schuh studied economics at the Univresity of Vienna and completed his PhD in 2002. From 1992 to 1999, Ulrich Schuh worked at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finances in the Economic Policy Department and subsequently at the Institute for Advanced STudies (IHS), of which he was Head of the Economics and Financial Economics department from 2004 on.


In 2011, he took over the management of the newly founded institute Eco Austria, and from 2017 he was section head at the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy. From July 2020 to June 2021, Ulrich Schuh was Chairman of the international research network Eureka.
Ulrich Schuh supports WPZ Research in the field of economic policy.


Bernhard Würfel

Research Assistant

Bernhard Würfel completed his final exams at the HTL St. Pölten in 2019, majoring in electronics and technical computer science. In the course of this education, internships in technical and university research were completed. In 2020 he started his bachelor studies in mathematics at the University of Vienna.


He has been working as a research assistant at WPZ Research since December 2021, contributing his experience and skills in programming and mathematics.


Website & IT

Doris Wimmer, BA

Akkurat Identity, Gmunden