Disaster Resilience in Higher Education Systems via a Cloud University Model

Ongoing, Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps action managed by the Erasmus+ National Agency OeAD.

CLOUD HED aims to provide HEIs operating under crisis conditions, particularly armed conflicts, with an evidence-based, whole-university solution to continue their teaching and learning (T&L)-operations. The core objective is to enhance the understanding of HE system challenges in crises, as well as to provide a whole-university concept, enabling HEIs to provide their education mission via a Cloud University Model. The concept involves innovative disaster-appropriate T&L-practices including the design of microcredentials.

The main and deliverable results of CLOUD HED will be (1) a handbook collecting selected case studies of HE-systems under crisis, their needs and innovative solutions, (2) adapted pilot-curricula for the shift to the cloud, including microcredentials, (3) guidelines for HEIs’ emergency-induced transition towards a Cloud University, and (4) training materials for HEI- teachers, accessible via the CLOUD HED-website. A major outcome will be increased crisis resilience of (EU-) HEsystems.

Consortium: WPZ Research (Austria), Sumy State University (Ukraine), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel), Rezeknes Tehnologiju Akademija (Latvia), Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (Poland), National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (Ukraine), Tel-Hai Academic college (Israel)