26 Sep. 1st GET-AHED – Associate Partner Meeting
The consortium partners of GET-AHED hosted the first associate partner meeting on September 25, 2023 and welcomed representatives from the Regional University Network – European University RUN-EU, the Bündnis Nachhaltige Hochschulen, the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research, the Irish Higher Education Authority and EURASHE to the online event.
Main focus of the meeting was to inform the associate partners about the different work packages and deliverables of the GET-AHED project and to discuss possible support on the dissemination of the platform across the EU HE community.
A very important element of the implementation of the overall project proposal is the consultative interaction between the project consortium and the associate partners as advisory board which will meet several times during the project.
The intention of GET-AHED is to act as a green transition digital buddy for the HE community across the EU. The platform will provide a range of tools to allow a multiple of HE stakeholder groups to promote and develop whole institutional approaches to sustainability which will focus on:
– Designing, implementing, and monitoring institution sustainability plans
– Supporting Higher Education leaders, in embedding sustainability into all aspects of the institution’s operations
– Supporting staff and students in promoting greater involvement in sustainability initiatives both internally and externally.
– Designing, implementing, and monitoring approaches related to sustainability operations of a HEI and in particular energy and energy related systems.